The TOP 5 tourist attractions from Santiago.

1)         The Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a space designed to give visibility to the human rights violations committed by the Chilean State between 1973 and 1990. It was inaugurated in 2010. The heritage of its archives includes oral and written testimonies. , legal documents, letters, stories, literary production, written press material, audiovisual and radio, feature films, historical material, documentary photographs. With its creation, it seeks to promote educational initiatives that invite knowledge and reflection

2)         The Centre Gabriela Mistral, GAM, is a cultural centre devoted to disseminate and promote performing arts and music. Among many other activities, it offers contemporary drama and dance, as well as classic and popular music a space to continuous development and experimentation. Furthermore, with an emphasis on contemporary photography and popular arts, the GAM houses a range for visual arts. Due to its high demands for transparency, variety and quality, it is orientated to generate direct encounters between artists and diverse audiences.

3)         The Chilean Museum of Pre-Colombian Art This museum hosts an invaluable collection of Pre-Columbian art including pottery, sculptures, monuments and other artifacts, each of which tells a story about a world which has now almost completely vanished, but is by no means forgotten. The museum represents all the people and cultures from the northern most points to the southern regions, of what is today known as Chile.

4)         Amongst Santiago’s many street markets or ferias, some of the most notable are Los Domínicos and Santa Lucía, traditional arts and handicrafts markets. There you will find souvenirs and handicrafts at the best price in the city, such as the famous alpaca wool ponchos. Although nowadays the ferias are somewhat aimed at tourists, it is not completely devoid of authentic tradition, so visiting them is an excellent way to discover Chile’s folkloric culture.

5)         Museum of Fine Arts Located in the Parque Forestal is the main art gallery in the country, also referred to as the Museum of Contemporary Art. Here you can view an extensive collection of Chilean art as well as a broader collection of South American pieces, covering the 19th century to present day. This is the oldest gallery in the continent, first established in 1880 and later moved to its current building, which has an impressive façade.


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