Video essay
Video essay
- What do you think of the video? Do you meditate Why? Do you feel it works? Why?
-How do you feel these days? Why?
-How do I feel when the English class starts?
I think the video explains well the effects of meditation on our body. I meditate, with Tibetan bowls, do it to relax and disassociate myself from the stress that academic burdens or work can cause. Yes it works, my body and mind relax once my meditation session is over, I feel lighter and in harmony with my body, it is released from the burden that brings stress, anxiety and nerves, I do not feel warm and I feel cheerful. I chose meditation with Tibetan bowls because they help concentration and serve as music therapy, as it regulates blood pressure and relaxes brain waves.
These days I have felt good, I’m happy, because I have been with my family and my pets, I have practiced gardening fixing the yard of my house, I have been with my girlfriend at home watching movies and series. I meet with my friends through Zoom to celebrate important events in our lives to be optimistic about the situation currently being lived in the country.
When I start the English class I feel excited because I want to learn English to be a better professional in life and to be able to leave the country, so I can get to know other cultures.
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