to the future is an interesting idea, it's like thinking that your life will
end hahahaha or that uncertainty of what may or may not happen.
I think
that this trip to the future would take me to Europe, a place where I would
like to study and grow for a while.
I would
like to live in Strasbourg, France, because I’m very interested in learning
about this culture, language, and spend my days in that beautiful city. This is
how I see myself in the future.
I see
myself sitting having a coffee at noon and feeling the autumnal rain. How
beautiful isn't it?
coffee, dedicating myself in the afternoons to directing the Strasbourg orchestras
would be the ideal and sharing ideas with the musicians on how to improve
society with culture and fight with music the problems they present in society.
I hope to
stay there for a while, learn from people who lives there, and enjoy, of course
I do, but to tell the truth I would like to return to my country to be able to
contribute with the knowledge learned. Being part of history is not minor, I'm
not looking for fame, just collaborating with knowledge so that people grow in
a better future.
to the future is part of dreaming and planning to improve life.
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