
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

Video essay

Video essay - What do you think of the video? Do you meditate Why? Do you feel it works? Why? -How do you feel these days? Why? -How do I feel when the English class starts? I think the video explains well the effects of meditation on our body. I meditate, with Tibetan bowls, do it to relax and disassociate myself from the stress that academic burdens or work can cause. Yes it works, my body and mind relax once my meditation session is over, I feel lighter and in harmony with my body, it is released from the burden that brings stress, anxiety and nerves, I do not feel warm and I feel cheerful. I chose meditation with Tibetan bowls because they help concentration and serve as music therapy, as it regulates blood pressure and relaxes brain waves. These days I have felt good, I’m happy, because I have been with my family and my pets, I have practiced gardening fixing the yard of my house, I have been with my girlfriend at home watching movies and series. I meet with my friends through Zoo...

Free theme

From Larry Shiner's point of view on the separation of arts and crafts in the 18th century and how Europeans supported by the ideas of the Enlightenment began to expand their cultures through colonization in the world, we can say that art as fine art is a western invention. Faced with this, with regard to Latin America, the arrival of the Spanish colonizers was so aggressive, imposing their European culture that, "while other colonial or former colonial, in the midst of metropolitans, began to speak to each other in their languages, we We Latin Americans and Caribbean people continue with our languages ​​as colonizers ”(Fernández Retamal 2005, p. 22). Fortunately today and together with the important inclusion of the female gender, in Latin America you can see a search for an identity of one's own about the creation of art, developed from cultural syncretism between Europeans and native peoples, as well as Busos Valderrama (2013) recounts about the great Gabriela mistral w...

School Memories

Questions 1. In what year did you start school? 1999 2. Who was your first teacher? Professor Soledad Carrasco 3. When did you learn to read? When I was in first grade 4. Who was your first friend at school? my first friend is called Cavin Díaz 5. What was your favorite subject at school? When I was older, I really liked history 6. Who was your favorite school teacher? The music teacher, I learned a lot from him and he inspired me to be what I like today. 7. What was your least favorite subject? Chemistry, I didn't like it 8. When did you start high school? in 2007 9. What is the best memory of your school days? my classmates and the teachers' motivation 10. When did you leave school? in 2010


ISRAEL FELIPE OLIVARES VARGAS PERSONAL BACKGROUND                                                                                                 israel.olivares@umce.cl ACADEMIC BACKGROUND    ·          Bachelor's degree in Music and D erection of  ·          Bachelor of Arts with mention in Musical Performance in Canto.    Othermusical       ...

What are the things a city needs?

1 - What are the things a city needs? Number these things 1 - 9 in order of importance. Good housing __1__ Cheap transport __5__ Exciting nightlife _8___ Big parks ___6__ Secure streets __4__ Interesting culture _3___ Good shops __9__ Cheap Education __2__ Attractive buildings _7_   2- Complete these opinions: In my opinion, the three most important things the city of Santiago needs are Free and quality education, greater culture, and a decent life. We also need a better public health system and better working conditions in our city. I think that politicians should be in the service of the people, that is their job not other and their own political intentions can wait.

The TOP 5 tourist attractions from Santiago.

1)          The Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a space designed to give visibility to the human rights violations committed by the Chilean State between 1973 and 1990. It was inaugurated in 2010. The heritage of its archives includes oral and written testimonies. , legal documents, letters, stories, literary production, written press material, audiovisual and radio, feature films, historical material, documentary photographs. With its creation, it seeks to promote educational initiatives that invite knowledge and reflection 2)          The Centre Gabriela Mistral, GAM, is a cultural centre devoted to disseminate and promote performing arts and music. Among many other activities, it offers contemporary drama and dance, as well as classic and popular music a space to continuous development and experimentation. Furthermore, with an emphasis on contemporary photography and popular arts, the GAM houses a ...


My favorite number is 15. It represents a very entertaining day in my life, and it is generally the midpoint in the months of the year. When the 15th arrives I feel that the month will end soon. It is a number that identifies me and accompanies me.

